Current economic crisis in Europe, a strategy for EUROMIL? Stampa

Il taglio dei bilanci della Difesa a seguito della crisi economica italiana ed europea.
La posizione di AMID ribadita in in Euromil: la Difesa Integrata Europea quale risposta alle esigenze di ottimizzare risorse ed incrementare l'efficienza
At the last EUROMIL Presidium Meeting in Limerick, my association, AMID, decided not to submit the usual national report because we do not want EUROMIL to become the collector of national problems while we believe there is need for a unified European solution.
The current economic crisis has the characteristic of being very democratic because it affects everyone equally.
Everyone in his country is witnessing the same scenario:
-Economic improvements in the near future are not expected;
-The purchasing power of wages is reduced;
-Pensions' system for military personnel are worsening because it does not take into account the peculiarities of military work and its specificity;
-Working conditions are worsening, which also affects safety and efficiency.
Although some countries can count on a strong economy and consolidated democratic positions, today it is generally difficult to defend the interests of "Citizens in Uniform" in Europe.
In fact, the heavy cuts that every European government is obliged to make, worsen the condition of national military personnel.
In this context we know that business interests are well represented and protected from economic and political lobby, and although some countries recognized the right of association, military personnel is "the weak link in the chain".
What can EUROMIL do? What can we all do?
Obviously we need to change strategy: to protest is not exhaustive enough, we have to adopt a starring role in order to allow EUROMIL to sit at the negotiating table, bringing its own proposed solution.
This can and should be the single solution for all European countries.
EUROMIL must assume a new proposal that can truly optimize available national resources, in the implementation of a real integrated European defense.
This new EUROMIL strategy is essential to actually defend the social and economic interests of "Citizens in Uniform".
The defense budget in each ountry is composed of three main elements, namely investments (weapons), operations /training and military personnel.
Today we see that each nation must make cuts, take care of reducing the military personnel resources in order to secure investments and operations.
In contrast, the European Union could keep constant the same investments and operations by optimizing the resources of the individual Member States and ensure optimal socio-economic status of military
personnel in Europe.
EUROMIL must prevent the military are among the few to pay the costs of the economic crisis!

By Giuseppe Catalini, AMID, Italy
Article published on the EUROMIL NEWS Issue 21 / June 2012

EUROMIL (European Organisation of Military Associations)
33, avenue Général de Gaulle
B-1050 Brussels

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