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L’ex Presidente del Parlamento europeo chiede l’istituzione dell’ Ombudsman militare europeo PDF Stampa E-mail
L'ex presidente del Parlamento europeo Hans-Gert Pöttering ha partecipato al 8° Congresso per la sicurezza europea e la difesa in Berlino dove si è discusso dell'istituzione della figura di un mediatore militare europeo nominato dal Parlamento della U.E. Anche il Presidente della Organizzazione Europea delle Associazioni di militari (EUROMIL) e il Vice-Presidente di EUROMIL hanno partecipato alla tavola rotonda dove si discuteva di S.A.F.E.

"Con l'istituzione dell'Ombudsman militare europeo circa 2 milioni di militari, appartenenti ai Paesi membri dell'Unione Europea, avrebbe un importante punto di riferimento a cui fare riferimento, non solo per quanto riguarda i diritti, i doveri e le regole d'ingaggio, ma anche per quanto riguarda norme di tutela socio professionale ed in particolare l'assistenza sociale e sanitaria l'invalidità ed il decesso", ha detto il professor Hans-Gert Pöttering.

"I soldati europei partecipano alle missione per l'affermazione ed il rispetto dei valori europei, e quindi hanno il diritto che questi valori siano applicati anche a loro". Ha aggiunto, "i valori sono i diritti umani, la pace, la libertà e la democrazia"

Inoltre, ha spiegato, l'evoluzione del concetto di S.A.F.E. (Synchronized Armed Forces Europe), che aveva presentato nella stessa congresso dello scorso anno. Il Parlamento europeo ha approvato il concetto di SAFE con 483 voti a favore contro 111 contrari. Questo ha consentito, per la prima volta nel 2008, visite ufficiali e reciproche tra i più importanti responsabili delle decisioni del Parlamento europeo e della NATO.

L'Organizzazione Europea delle Associazioni di Militari (EUROMIL) appoggia pienamente il progetto SAFE e accoglie con favore la proposta di istituire un sistema democratico di mediazione dei conflitti a favore dei militari europei presso il Parlamento dell'U.E., se sarà sostenuto da tutti gli Stati membri dell'Unione europea.

Il Congresso per la Sicurezza e Difesa Europea è organizzato in collaborazione con un quotidiano tedesco, la Commissione europea, il ESDA / Assemblea dell'UEO ed il gruppo del Partito popolare europeo al Parlamento europeo. Il Presidente di questa conferenza è il Dott. Karl von Wogau, Segretario Generale della Fondazione europea per la sicurezza e membro onorario del Parlamento europeo.

L'Organizzazione Europea delle Associazioni di militari (EUROMIL) è un'organizzazione composta da 35 associazioni nazionali di militari e dei sindacati. Fondata nel 1972, l'organizzazione promuove gli interessi professionali e sociali del personale militare di ogni grado, in Europa. Essa comprende 24 paesi dalla Federazione Russa in Oriente per l'Irlanda in Occidente, dalla Finlandia a nord e a Malta nel Mezzogiorno.

Past President of European Parliament calls for European Military Ombudsman

The past President of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pöttering called at the 8th Congress for European Security and Defence in Berlin for the creation of the office of an European Military Ombudsman appointed by the European Parliament. The President of the European Organisation of Military Associations (EUROMIL) and the Vice-President of EUROMIL moderated and participated in a panel discussion discussing SAFE,  Synchronized Armed Forces Europe.

"Then all about 2 million European servicemen in the member countries of the European Union would have a focal contact point, not only with regard to duties, rights and rules of engagement but also with regard to social standards, medical care and the coverage of injury, invalidity and decease", said Professor Hans-Gert Pöttering.

"European soldiers are sent on mission on the basis of European values and thus have the entitlement that those are applied to them." He added, "those values are human rights, peace, freedom and democracy".

Further he explained the development of the concept of Synchronized Armed Forces Europe, that he had presented at the same location last year. The European Parliament voted in favour of the SAFE concept with 483 votes to 111. This contributed that for the first time in 2008 official and mutual visits took place between the highest decision-makers of the European Parliament and NATO.

The European Organization of Military Associations (EUROMIL) fully supports the SAFE project and welcomes the proposal to establish a democratic European Military Ombudsman at the European Parliament if backed up by all member states of the European Union.

The European Security and Defence Congress is organized in cooperation with a German newspaper, the European Commission, the ESDA/WEU Assembly and the European People's Party faction in the European Parliament. President of this conference is Dr. Karl von Wogau, Secretary General of the European Security Foundation and honorary member of the European Parliament.

The European Organisation of Military Associations (EUROMIL) is an umbrella organisation consisting of 35 national military associations and trade unions. Founded in 1972, the organisation promotes the social and professional interests of military personnel of all ranks in Europe. It includes 24 countries from the Russian Federation in the East to Ireland in the West, from Finland in the North and to Malta in the South.


The European Organisation of Military Associations (EUROMIL) is an umbrella organisation consisting of 35 national military associations and trade unions. Originally founded in 1972, the Organisation promotes the social and professional interests of military personnel of all ranks in Europe. Including 25 countries from the Russian Federation in the East to Ireland in the West, and from Finland in the north to Malta in the South, EUROMIL is a truly European organisation.

EUROMIL is the main Europe-wide forum for the cooperation among professional military associations on issues of common concern. Through the international secretariat in Brussels, EUROMIL facilitates exchange of information, experiences and best practice among member associations.

The organisation, moreover, strives to secure and advance the human rights, fundamental freedoms and socio-professional interests of soldiers by monitoring and advocating in multinational negotiations on the European level. EUROMIL supports the inclusion of military personnel into social legislation by the European Union.

EUROMIL has participatory status at the Council of Europe and is accredited as a lobbyist with the European Parliament. It upholds contacts with the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and the European Security and Defence Assembly (formerly the Assembly of the WEU).

EUROMIL has a co-operation agreement with the European Trade Union Confederation since 1998.

Funded exclusively by membership fees, EUROMIL keeps to strict non-denominational and politically independent policies.

Military associations entirely respect and abide by the chain of command, and neither condone or support insubordination and mutiny.

Associations do not intend to comment on strategic or operational matters.

Security has a social dimension

EUROMIL's member associations and unions are committed to the principle of the ‘Citizen in Uniform'. As such, a soldier is entitled to the same rights and obligations as any other citizen.
EUROMIL and its members strongly believe that governments and societies owe a 'duty of care' toward its military personnel. Soldiers are called upon to make personal sacrifices - including the ultimate sacrifice - in the service of the nation and the international community. For that reason, the men and women, who have chosen to serve their country, must always be able to expect in return fair treatment, to be valued and respected as fellow citizens, and that they and their families will be sustained, rewarded and provided for by the Nation.

This requires certain governments to lift all existing restrictions on civil and social rights of soldiers which are not an inevitably and proportionate result from the military assignment. EUROMIL advocates particularly the right of servicemen and -women to form and to join trade unions and independent staff associations and that these are included in a regular social dialogue by the authorities. Soldiers are highly skilled employees who have the legitimate right to promote their social and professional interests - as do other workers.

Decade-long experience has shown that those European countries that have granted full association rights to their soldiers experienced no loss of combat efficiency or military discipline. No disturbances in the chain of command have been observed. On the contrary, involving democratic military associations in a permanent social dialogue has de facto improved the moral and loyalty of troops. This has been confirmed in the course of several years in many international missions, such as Afghanistan, where countries with strong military unions have addressed the tasks at hand professionally and successfully.

In times of increased operational pace but declining defence budgets military associations and unions can be a powerful ally to raise awareness of this contradiction and can articulate the professional interests and concerns of military professionals. Associations can also enhance the status of the military profession in society. Military associations are recognised in several countries across Europe as valuable partners for the defence administration.

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